Shipping and Returns

Shipping and Return Policy

Before an order is placed we ask that you kindly check your shipping address for accuracy. Please allow 2-3 business days for all orders to be processed and shipped. All orders are then shipped via USPS (United States Postal Service) First Class or Priority Mail, but may change without notice for any reason. Please keep in mind that we are provided with an estimated delivery date from our carriers. On rare occasion, packages can arrive outside of the estimated timeframe. For this we are not responsible. However, in keeping with our core values and providing the best possible service our goal is to prepare and ship orders in a timely manner to reduce wait time.

An e-mail confirming your order and shipment will be sent to the e-mail address provided upon purchase.

Once an item has been shipped and you have specific questions regarding the arrival of your order, it's best to contact your local USPS office.

Any order that arrives damaged, we ask that you file a claim with your local post office or call the USPS claims office (Number can be found on USPS website). In any event, please reach out to notify us if items arrive damaged. 

We are also not responsible for any lost or stolen packages and ask that you file a claim with your local post office.

International Orders

At this time we are not shipping outside of the United States. This may change in the near future and will be updated on our website.


*If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the products received, please send them back to us within three (3) days of receiving your order. We ask that you return the product in its original state (un-opened and sealed) to qualify for a full refund. We would also appreciate it if you shared the reason (s) for returning, though this is not a requirement. Feedback is a gift, and this information would be useful to us in developing better products and to better understand our customers needs. Please include invoice in package when returning items.

Return Address

*Please Return merchandise to:

Jolly's Herbal

Attn: Returns

P.O. Box 212526

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421