Jamaica Blue Vervain

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Jamaican Blue vervain (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis) is a super-herb with all parts of the plant (leaves, roots, and flowers) imparting a wide range of health benefits. It is harvested from the foothills of the Blue Mountains (Jamaica) and also known as Nervine or Vervine.  

Blue vervain is a natural source of dopamine, which calms the nerves and also promotes positive thinking and aids in the release of neurotransmitter stimulators to improve mood swings.

The blue vervain assists in detoxifying the body by allowing it to release urine, excess water, salts and fats. It aids in protecting the kidney and liver from any bacteria and treats bladder infections. If you suffer from any respiratory disorders such as chest congestion, colds, chronic bronchitis, sore throats or respiratory inflammation, blue vervain is perfect for clearing up airways and eliminating the irritations.

The tannins present in blue vervain make it a very effective way to protect oral health. It aids to prevent/Treat bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, bacterial infections, or any other unhealthy aspect.

It is an excellent source of zinc, an essential mineral for optimal function of both the male and female reproductive system.

In addition, blue vervain contains natural anti-parasitic that are able to eliminate development of parasites in the intestines. It is also known to ease general discomfort and bloating for females menstruating; as well as reduce their cramps.

Blue vervain can act as a powerful analgesic; particularly effective on arthritic pain and the pain from kidney stones. The organic compounds present in blue vervain can numb certain areas and stop the pain from registering in those nerves; Blue vervain has anti-inflammatory properties aid in this pain relief, as it will also reduce swelling and inflammation, such as in cases of gout, arthritis, or inflammation in the gastrointestinal system.

It is also antihypertensive, as it effectively lowers elevated blood pressure.

Blue vervain is also proven to lower bad cholesterol in the blood plasma, allowing optimal levels of good cholesterol.

 Suggested benefits at a glance:

  • May benefit certain neurological or brain-related conditions
  • Helps with depression and anxiety
  • Supports gum health. Helps with chronic gingivitis or gum inflammation
  • Supports heart health. 
  • Helps with upper respiratory and urinary tract infections

Caution: As with any dietary supplement, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment.