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Sarsaparilla, more formally known as Similaxornata or Similaxofficinale, is a plant that is very popular in Jamaica as it is widely believed to contain many health benefits. 

There are some that use the herb to help increase muscle mass due to the high levels of testosterone that are found in the plant. It is most popularly used to increase libido. The plant is also believed to help in the treatment of asthma and rheumatism. 


The natural antibacterial properties of sarsaparilla berries and the compounds in the roots make this herbal supplement a wonderful way to increase the strength of your immune system. The antibacterial properties can also help prevent infections on the skin and generally improve your response time to cold and other common illnesses.


Suggested benefits at a glance:

  • Increase libido 
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Improving weight loss
  • Treating skin problems (such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis)
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Improving kidney health
  • Increasing muscle mass from working out



Caution: As with any dietary supplement, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment.